Monday, August 10, 2015

Fluffy French Toast

French toast secret here!  I feel like when I make french toast, it tends to get too mushy and soggy.  But the secret?  Add flour to your batter.  It makes more of a batter that you soak your bread in, and helps to keep the texture absolutely perfect.  On, this recipe has over 3,000 ratings, most of which are a perfect 5 stars, so I knew all these cooks were on to something!  It really does come out fluffy (hence the name).  No mushy french toast here.  You'll have to trust me that the flavor was better than this picture.

Rachael was craving french toast a few weeks ago and we happened to have a loaf of Texas toast.  Do you ever buy that?  I never do but I needed it for a recipe (wait for it!).  It really is the perfect french toast bread because it's so thick.  It's probably something to keep in the house if you're a french toast fan.  And add some flour to your batter!


fluffy french toast
makes 12 slices

1/4 cup all-purpose flour
1 cup milk
1 pinch salt
3 eggs
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 tablespoon white sugar
12 thick slices bread


1) Measure flour into a large mixing bowl.  Slowly whisk in the salt, eggs, cinnamon, vanilla, and sugar until smooth.

2) Heat a lightly oiled griddle or frying pan over medium heat.

3) Soak bread slices in mixture until saturated.  Cook bread on each side until golden brown.  Serve hot.

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